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Road to Recovery

If you've ever been injured, you know how frustrating it can be. Something as small as rolling your ankle or breaking a finger can completely alter your everyday life. You don't realize how much you've taken that part of your body for granted and what it does for you. You may realize you can't perform nearly as well in your sport because of a bum knee. You may realize that class just became much more difficult due to the annoying cast that's on your writing hand. You can no longer pick up that favorite instrument or continue practicing that challenging song you've been working on for weeks. Life is basically on hold until that part of your body is healed and that injury is left in the past.

So how do students at CAL get through these frustrating times? According to CAL senior, Brad H., "You just have to focus on getting better.” Brad had a terrible accident and broke his arm very recently, which took him off the soccer field. At this past leadership retreat, he fell on his arm during an innocent game of Capture the Flag. "I never would've imagined getting a compound fracture and have to go through surgery to fix my arm. But I am pushing through the pain in physical therapy, and looking forward to getting on the field as soon as possible." Sometimes it's hard to stay hopeful and positive while you're watching everyone else do simple, everyday tasks that take you much longer now. For example, Emmalee L. has been going through some challenging setbacks. "Everything is a million times harder, and it takes much longer to do everyday tasks. Also, I can't even wear a sweater during this fall season, which is the worst of all. But on the bright side, I have more time to think about other things than sports, such as my walk with Christ." Although Brad and Emmalee have been set back, they are staying positive with the support and encouragement from family and friends.

We may ask God why something like this happens to us. We may feel that we are not deserving of such punishment and that everything is ruined because of it. But we have to remember that everything has a purpose, and at first we may not see what that purpose is. These trials may help us grow in our faith and draw us closer to God. We must remember to remain patient and faithful in what God's plan is for our future. Do not forget to pray continually because we cannot get through hard times like these without His help.

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