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I Don't Like Sports

I don't like sports: watching them, playing them; it bores me. It fills me with apathy and ennui. The worst part about sports is that so many people think that if one doesn't play them, or at least enjoy watching them, then there must be something wrong with him or her. It is an annoying high school stereotype that is all too true, jocks rule. At Cal, this stereotype is very downplayed; most of the people in our sports programs are really great guys and gals just using their talents to glorify God. Unfortunately, the idea that sports are king is still alive and well. The student body loves sports and is always excited to go to the next big home football game, but when it comes to something like one of our school’s amazing drama or music productions, it takes academic incentive to convince many students to attend. Of course, even among sports there is inequality ( ie. football and basketball have massive crowds while field hockey only has a small group of followers). It is tiring enough that sports become glorified over all these other activities, but it is aggravating when other people are put down because people see their hobbies as lesser. Trading card games, D&D, anime, comics – these are things that society perceives as childish or dorky without taking a second glance. Even video games suffer from this, especially online ones. There are still many people today who would look at those competing in a LoL e-sports championship and immediately think “pathetic.” It is so sad that many people may never experience the wonderful things these hobbies have to offer simply because society belittles them. If we could all keep open minds, perhaps we could come to appreciate, or at least tolerate, each other's past times. Maybe I'm overreacting, or maybe society has simply blinded most from the slow, passive-agreeing assault on Nerd/Geek culture.

If you want to hear more about this phenomenon, check out Matthew Patrick’s video on GameTheorists, “Leave PewDiePie ALONE.” CAL does not necessarily approve of any or all content on this channel. You have been warned.

Photos provided by StockSnap on Pixabay & Nile on Pixabay

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