A New Era in the NFL
A new gender barrier has been broken in the NFL, as the Buffalo Bills have hired the first female assistant coach in its 95-year history....
"Star Wars: The Force Awakens" Review
Watching the huge, yellow letters scroll up the screen while heavy trumpets blared a worldwide-recognized theme made me realize how it...
Don't Censor Me
When we think of the reasons why America is one of the greatest countries in the world, our first reaction is our 1st Amendment rights;...
Kyle Kuric's Surgery
Louisville fans have been hit with another disappointment as CB Gran Canaria and former University of Louisville basketball player, Kyle...
Hospital Bombing
Imagine you're visiting a loved one in a hospital here in Louisville, and suddenly explosions and screams are all around you. You would...
Five Video Games You Need To Pre-Order
The time has come, gamers. Those announcements and first-looks you drooled over at E3 are just about to be on your hard drive in a mere...
Senior Retreat
Fun and fellowship accompanied seniors this year as they went on their final retreat. Four buses packed-full of students left CAL in the...
Cedar Point Catastrophe
Special-education teacher, James A. Young II, paid the utmost price of admission to Ohio-based theme park, Cedar Point, just a few weeks...